Network Chiropractic Center
Welcome to the Network Chiropractic Center of Sedona.
Since 'passing the torch' of my 30 years of practice in Colorado, I have been blessed to serve so many families and watch' many children grow up under my Chiropractic care. So many people in our practice have made such profound life changes and paradigm shifts in their thinking about health and wellness.
So many pregnant moms were able to enjoy a natural labor and delivery with the assistance of Websters’ Breech Turning technique. So many mothers-to-be were able to get pregnant while under Chiropractic care, when they could not get pregnant before care. So many infants with colic and ear infections were able to live a drug free life while under Chiropractic care. So many men were able to release stress in their body, work long hours, and take care of their families with much more while in our practice.
One of the most beautiful realizations I had from my practice was that the children who grew up under my Chiropractic care made healthier life choices. These teens did not experiment with drugs and alcohol, did not engage in early sexual behavior, went on to complete their high school and college education, and these teens loved being with their family. I notice with my sons as well, that the trouble other parents were having with their children, those parents whose family was under Chiropractic care had a very different and wonderful experience with their teens.
Why is this so, you may be wondering? As the nervous system unwinds tension patterns that keep us stuck, the spine becomes more adaptable and flexible, our mind, then, can become more flexible and adapt us to our life with more ease. Our neurology governs our perceptions, reactions, and responses to the outer world. It determines the level of calmness and peace of our inner world. The less defensive, protective patterns we have within us, the more love we feel for our self and others. The healthier our spine and nervous system is, the healthier our life is.
Chiropractic care effects not only our physical body, but our mind and emotions as well. When we are in alignment with who we are, we are in alignment with our Soul. Our life becomes a reflection of that alignment. The families in our practice experience this.
I am very excited to explore the deeper healing you are wanting to experience and to live life more fully.