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Meet Dr. Lori Krauss

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“I am the Master of my Fate. I am the Captain of my Soul.” 
- Nelson Mandela


One of my favorite quotes! To me, life is about inspiring yourself and others. Inspiration comes from the Infinite Being that we all are. It comes from deep within our Soul - that part of us that knows…no matter what.


It is because of my chiropractic dad that I became a chiropractor. Realizing at an early age that my family was healthier than most of my friends’ families because my sister and I were adjusted regularly, ate lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and spent a lot of time outside. We always had an interest in health and wellness.


In the midst of my professional years, I served on 4 international mission trips. I served in Panama City, Panama, Fortaleza, Brazil, and at an orphanage in the Dominican Republic. At this orphanage, we were told that the children were waking up several times a night with nightmares. Once we began providing them with adjustments, they began sleeping through the night.


Shortly after, I volunteered at a local residential treatment center for kids 3-12 years of age. These children had horrendous histories of neglect and abuse. I became a mentor to one of the little girls, who did not have family visits, for 10 years. She has now been adopted by an amazing family on the East Coast and is thriving immensely.


My Colorado Chiropractic practice was filled with pregnant moms, children of all ages, and families. Many of those children 'grew up' in the practice and did well in school, sports, and life. Over the years, I have spoken to groups on the topics of health and wellness, stress reduction, the toxic side of vaccinations, how to raise healthy children, and of recent, yoga and meditation. Personally, I have also been blessed with 3 radiant sons, Brandon, Ryan, and Jason, two beautiful daughters-in-laws, and 8 amazing grandchildren. We have an incredible family, and we love being together!


I moved to Sedona, Arizona after hearing 'the call.'  And at the end of 2015, I opened my second Chiropractic practice, Network Chiropractic Center of Sedona.


In my time off, I love to swim, bike, travel, read, hike in the Red Rocks, be in the warmth and sun, enjoy new friends, and hang out with my children and grandchildren.


Being inspired has been a gift in my life. I feel so blessed to have been able to serve so many and I am very grateful to all those that I will serve in the near future.


With so many blessings,

Dr. Lori Krauss


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